About me

Hello friends
I’m 24, obsessed with blankets and hot tea, firmly believe that one pilates class makes me a #fitgirl, love making plans with friends—but secretly love it just as much when they get canceled and still have no idea whether I’m an introvert, extrovert, or just perpetually tired. So, I’m in my mid-twenties, and honestly? I thought I’d have life figured out by now—but surprise, I don’t.
My teenage years weren’t my favorite, but let me tell you: your twenties? It’s basically a decade-long escape room, but instead of clues, you just have existential crises. Like many, I’m juggling self-doubt, career uncertainty, relationships, and the endless pressure to “have it all together.” And when I look around, I see my friends struggling with their own versions of the same chaos. It made me wonder—surely, we’re not the only ones, right?
That’s why I started Tricky Twenties. This space is all about the highs, the lows, and everything in between—the unfiltered reality of young adulthood. I share personal stories, the lessons I’ve picked up along the way, and honest conversations about topics that often feel too “taboo” to discuss. But more than that, this is a place for you too. I want to hear your stories, your struggles, your wins—this is a safe space where you can write anything that’s on your mind, without being judged. I hope you find comfort, relatability, and maybe even a little clarity here. Let’s figure it out together. 💛