Blog posts

How the blog works

Tricky Twenties is all about the unfiltered reality of young adulthood—the struggles, the growth, and everything in between. This blog covers a range of topics, from identity crises and work/life balance to self-love & care, and the pressure to have it all figured out. But we don’t stop there. Some conversations don’t always happen in the open, and that’s why we also talk about topics often considered taboo—things like acne, anxiety, body hair, and everything society tells us to keep quiet about or be ashamed of.

Some blog posts contain personal stories & others provide practical tips that have helped me personally. I’m not an expert, but if you’re looking for advice, personal stories, or just a reminder that you’re not alone, this space is here for you. Read, share, and join the conversation—because no one has it all figured out, and that’s okay.

There will be new blog posts every Monday, Wednesday & Friday—and if you have a particular topic you’d like to read or write about, your input is more than welcome! 💛 Click here if you want to share something.

This week's blog posts:

Monday 17/3
How to choose what you love over what's expected of you
Wednesday 19/3
Imposter syndrome: the fear of not being good enough
Friday 21/3
Why I quit Instagram