So, I was making my vision board for 2025 (you know, cutting out pictures, pasting them on a Pinterest board, convincing myself that I’m definitely going to wake up at 5 AM every day), when I had an idea:
What if I challenged myself to try one new habit every month?
I mean, they say it takes about 66 days to turn a habit into a lifestyle, but I figured—why not test the waters with 30 or 31 days first? (And… uhh February). So, here’s the plan: each month, I’ll try out a new habit, document the highs and the oh my god, why am I doing this moments, and share the reality of whether it’s worth keeping or not. Maybe I’ll become one of those 5 AM gym people. Maybe I’ll attempt to journal every day (and realize by day six that I have nothing interesting to say). Who knows! The goal? To see how it makes me feel. I’m sharing all my wins, fails, and why-did-I-think-this-was-a-good-idea moments right here—so you don’t have to. Consider me your personal habit guinea pig, testing the waters so you don’t have to dive in blind. Or, who knows, maybe you’ll feel inspired to join me on this chaotic little journey. Your call! #challenges.